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Google Tag Manager – GTM Overview Example

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Google has announced a new tool Google Tag Manager for Tag management. It will ease to tracking and marketing optimization tags. User can add or manage the AdWords, Google analytics, Flood-light and non-Google tags using the GTM. This free tool is very helpful to Marketers and Developers both.

Marketers would have control of their digital marketing activities for campaign or add/edit tracking tags. Marketers can implement and deploy a new tag using GTM in minutes. They don’t need Programming knowledge to manage tag when you are working with a user-friendly web interface.
It’s useful for third-party developers where they have to add new tags/code but they are not allowed to update the existing code structure. Developer can put all the code in a container and site owner will add the container just after the <body> tag starts, that’s it. Now developer can update the code from the container and site owner can add/remove the container code.

How it works?

Followings are main components of the GTM:


Each account can contains multiple containers
“One account per company”


A container includes the tracking tags (e.g. Google Analytics, AdWords Conversion Tracking tags) that you want to use on the website.
“One container for one website”


Tags are snippets of code on your site that collect data
“A tag must have at least one rule in order to fire”
GTM supports following tag types which can be use directly:

  • AdWords Conversion Tracking
  • DoubleClick Floodlight Counter
  • DoubleClick Floodlight Sales
  • Google Analytics
  • GDN Remarketing

There are other two custom tags available which allows you to implement custom tags which are not available in above list:

  • Custom Image Tag
  • Custom HTML Tag

The rule(s) attached to a tag govern when the tag is fired or not fired.
“A rule that blocks a tag from firing always overrides a firing rule”
Syntax: [Macro] [Operator] [Value]
Example: url equals example.com/index.html


Macros supply dynamic data to tags and conditions.
“Macros are name-value pairs for which the value is populated during runtime”
Types of Macro

  • Constant String
  • JavaScript Variable
  • Data Layer
  • DOM Text
  • Dom attribute
  • URL
  • Custom Event
  • HTTP Referrer

Following is video shared by our Team which shows how easy to implement it.

And we are one of the GTM Specialist announced by Google. Please feel free to share your opinion or questions regarding the GTM.

Picture of Chirag Jobanputra

Chirag Jobanputra

Entrepreneur by heart, Strong understanding of technology and digital ecosystem. Passionate about designing new media products and platform with speciality in UX Design & Information Architecture. Always curious to listen to ideas/models that solves real-world problems.

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